Launching GHOST TestNet 3.1 [~1 HR]

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Welcome to the GHOST TestNet 3.1 Launch Guide. In TestNet 2.0 we had 140 Nodes and ability to send $CSPR. With TestNet 3.1 there is a ton of stuff coming including further GHOST Eye updates, staking, slashing, etc. All existing TestNet 2.0 and 3.0 Full Nodes MUST update to TestNet 3.1 to take advantage of new functionality.

1. Prerequisites

Launching GHOST TestNet 3.1 Prerequisites

Before you can proceed with launching you GHOST Node please make sure to go though the following guide:

  1. GHOST Chain Startup Guide – create the proper environment and install GHOST Chain.
  2. Testing Connectivity Guide – test whether or not you node can become a Boot Node and set proper firewall rules.

2. GHOST Chain Key Generation

Generating Keys & Applying For Genesis Block Key Generation
Start with creating the following directory:

sudo mkdir /etc/ghost

Get your username:


Give the user permission to the directory and substitute {USERNAME} for the one from previous command:

sudo chown {USERNAME} /etc/ghost

Generating Node Keys

To generate the node key use the following command:

~/ghost/ghost-node/target/release/ghost key generate-node-key --bin --file=/etc/ghost/node-key
Generating Keys & Applying For Genesis Block Local Identity
Local Identity

3. Launching GHOST TestNet 3.1

Launching GHOST TestNet 3.1 Launch GHOST Node

Go to ghost-node directory:

cd ghost/ghost-node

Remove ghost ledger:

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/ghost/chains/casper_staging_testnet

Make sure ghost-node is up to date:

git pull origin main

Recompile ghost-node using and --release flag. Make ghost-node service being able to be started by default user using --make-global:

./scripts/ --release --make-global

The default option is capitalized which is N, you can also press Enter to choose the default option. In this case we want to recompile so type y and press Enter to proceed:

'cargo build --release ' is what you want? [y/N]:

Recompiling will take some time!

Check GHOST Node version, the output should be ghost 0.7.197-8a0cbb94b4d:

ghost --version

Check checksum the output should be ad653233c978bfd00c5e4525b17628632bc4319c5f5f4b4dcc2f050ef3c3d145:

sha256sum /etc/ghost/casper.json

Create running ghost-node service that starts on system boot using --unit-file flag. And we must set up the ghost-node launch command by setting arguments using --set-arguments flag:

./scripts/ --unit-file --set-arguments

Only change the defaults if you are advanced otherwise press Enter for the following prompts.

If this is your first node simply press Enter to proceed with the default. If this is your second node you should type a different port here, for example 30334, and then you should open this port on your firewall and create a dedicated port forwarding rule on your router as specified in the Testing Connectivity Guide:

specify p2p protocol TCP port (default: 30333):

To choose default options press Enter here:

specify JSON-RPC server TCP port: (default: 9945): 
specify the chain specification (default: /etc/ghost/casper.json):
specify node's secret key file for p2p networking (default: /etc/ghost/node-key):

It is recommended that you give your node a Name you can recognize:

specify name for the node (default: RANDOM_NAME):

Validator Node vs Full Node

Currently you have to qualify to become a validator node through GHOST Whales. If you were NOT included in the ghosties file then you cannot be a validator node and you can only be a full node so for disable validator mode? [y/N] type y. If you were included in the ghosties file the you can press Enter:

disable validator mode? [y/N]: y

You can press Enter here:

enable prometheus? [y/N]:

Boot Node

For the following prompt:

list of bootnodes if any:

Paste one of the following Boot Node address:

If you want your node to become a GHOST Chain Boot Node and to have a dedicated Boot Node Address listed in this guide please follow the Create Custom Boot Node Address guide and let us know in GHOST Whales.
Boot Node Address Port Status
Checking port 30334 for
Checking port 30333 for
Checking port 30333 for
Checking port 30334 for
Checking port 30335 for
Checking port 30333 for
Checking port 30333 for
Checking port 30334 for
Checking port 30334 for
Checking port 30335 for
Checking port 30336 for
Checking port 30337 for
Checking port 30333 for
Checking port 30334 for
Checking port 30335 for
Checking port 30336 for

Changing unit-file name is optional, otherwise press Enter:

[?] name for the unit file (default: ghost-node.service)

IF ERROR and [!] user ghost not found pops up press y:

[!] user ghost not found
[?] do you want to create ghost user? (NOT RECOMMENDED: current root) [y/N]:
[+] make ghost owner of /var/lib/ghost
[+] prepare unit file for the ghost-node.service
[+] reloading systemd because of updated unit file

DO NOT start and DO NOT enable ghost-node.service press Enter:

[?] do you want to start the ghost-node.service? [y/N]:
[?] do you want to enable the ghost-node.service? [y/N]:
[+] execution finished

Restart ghost-node:

sudo systemctl restart ghost-node

Enable ghost-node:

sudo systemctl enable ghost-node

To see the logs produced by your ghost-node:

journalctl -f -u ghost-node

To exit journalctl -f -u ghost-node Press CTRL + C.

Finally, go to GHOST Telemetry so see your node live on the map.

Congratulations! You have an operational GHOST Node.

Existing Full Nodes Migrating to TestNet 3.1

Launching GHOST TestNet 3.1 Migrating

Only follow this section if you currently have a GHOST TestNet 2.0 or GHOST TestNet 3.0 Full Node.

Stop ghost-node process:

sudo systemctl stop ghost-node

Remove old GHOST TestNet Ledger:

sudo rm -r /var/lib/ghost/chains/casper_staging_testnet

Go to ghost-node directory:

cd /home/ghost/ghost-node

Pull the most recent GHOST Chain PR from GHOST GIT:

git pull origin main

Recompile your GHOST Node:

./scripts/ --release --make-global

Check GHOST Node version, the output should be ghost 0.7.197-8a0cbb94b4d:

ghost --version

Check checksum the output should be ad653233c978bfd00c5e4525b17628632bc4319c5f5f4b4dcc2f050ef3c3d145:

sha256sum /etc/ghost/casper.json

Restart GHOST Node:

sudo systemctl restart ghost-node

Check GHOST Node log:

journalctl -f -u ghost-node


Launching GHOST TestNet 2.0 Troubleshooting
For future troubleshooting be aware of the following commands:

Update GHOST Node

Go to GHOST directory:

cd ghost/ghost-node

Pull the most recent GHOST Node Repo:

git pull origin main

Set arguments. In one of the prompts it is recommended that you give your node a Name you can recognize:

./scripts/ --set-arguments
## do all steps

Check GHOST Node log:

journalctl -f -u ghost-node

To exit journalctl -f -u ghost-node Press CTRL + C.

Delete GHOST Chain ledger

sudo systemctl stop ghost-node
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/ghost
./scripts/ --unit-file
sudo systemctl start ghost-node

Check session keys

./scripts/ --check-keys --insert-keys
sudo ls -l /var/lib/ghost/chains/casper_staging_testnet/keystore/
sudo systemctl restart ghost-node.service

Systemd-journal Permission

Find your user:


Replace $USER with your user:

sudo usermod -aG systemd-journal $USER

Replace $USER with your user:

sudo usermod -aG adm $USER

Create new group:

newgrp systemd-journal

To see the logs produced by your ghost-node:

journalctl -f -u ghost-node


To soft reload the entire system:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

To stop ghost-node:

sudo systemctl stop ghost-node

To restart ghost-node:

sudo systemctl restart ghost-node

To see the logs produced by your ghost-node:

journalctl -f -u ghost-node

What is GHOST Chain?

GHOST Chain is a decentralized EVM bridge with a privacy layer providing a much needed cross-chain interoperability and anonimity in the web3 space.

Become Validator | GHOST Chain