GHOST Whales Governance

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Proposal 3. How to Initiate a Proposal

The following mechanism to initiate proposals is suggested:

  1. Every proposal must be initiated by a group of GHOST Whales 👻🐳, with the total voting power of at least 7 votes. ✅
    • The Voting Power is specified in Proposal 2
    • The GHOST Whale 👻🐳 definition is specified in Proposal 1
    • The minimum of 7 votes ensures that there are must be at least 2 GHOST Whales 👻🐳 to initiate a proposal
  2. The GHOST Whale 👻🐳 who initiates a Proposal must tag the other GHOST Whales 👻🐳 who vetted such proposal.
  3. Any fraud activities associated with wrongfully tagging a GHOST Whale 👻🐳 who hasn’t vetted a proposal must be publicly reported by the misrepresented GHOST Whale 👻🐳. Such fraud activity could result in slashing of all GMV points earned by the user engaged in fraud activities.

YAY: 35 NAY: 3
DEADLINE: OCT 11, 2024
Join GHOST Whales to Vote

Proposal 2. Proposal Voting Mechanism

The following voting mechanism is suggested going forward:

  1. Only the votes from GHOST Whales 👻🐳, as specified in Proposal 1, will be counted.
  2. Thus, all Proposal Votes via Telegram Polls will have to be strictly “Non-Anonymous”. Meaning, the Telegram Polls will be showing the voters lists. That’s the only way to identify whether each voter was a GHOST Whale 👻🐳 as specified in Proposal 1 or not.
  3. -> Since all Whales are highly encouraged to act under an anonymous username in Telegram such measure of “uncovering” the voter lists should NOT cause any issue with the anonymity of the user.

  4. The Vote Rights of every GHOST Whale 👻🐳 will become proportional to their GMV stakes according to definitions and formulas provided below:
  5. Vote Rights (Whale Status) = Phase (Whale Status).

    Phase (Whale Status) is calculated based on JML Phases, which can be found here John McAfee NFT Collection.

    JML Phase Split:

    • Level 1 – Level 5: Phase 1 => 1 Vote
    • Level 6 – Level 10: Phase 2 => 2 Votes
    • Level 11 – Level 15: Phase 3 => 3 Votes
    • Level 16 – Level 20: Phase 4 => 4 Votes
    • Level 21 – Level 25: Phase 5 => 5 Votes

    The Whale Status is identified based on the GMV Stake, where GMV Stake is defined as:

    GMV Stake = On-Chain GMV tokens + Off-chain GMV points.

    The Whale Status is assigned based on the GMV Stake submitted to the ghostAirdrop Bot using the following instructions:

    🔴 Go to About
    🔴 Go to Ask Me Anything
    🔴 Send the quantity of your GMV Stake

  6. Any fraud activities detected and publicly reported by any GHOST Whale could result in slashing of all GMV points earned by the user engaged in fraud activities.

Fraud activities include consciously reporting incorrect GMV Stake balance.

YAY: 13 NAY: 2

Proposal 1. GHOST Whale Definition

GHOST Whale 👻🐳 is a user who has completed the following:

  1. Claimed JML NFT on a Mainnet blockchain
  2. Registered in the ghostAirdrop Bot
  3. Joined the GHOST Official Community
  4. Joined the GHOST Whales Group
  5. Updated Telegram Account Avatar to the JML that was claimed or has an equal status
  6. Submitted their total amount of on-chain GMV tokens and off-chain GMV points to the ghostAirdrop Bot to verify their GMV-based status

Please send your vote below on whether you agree with the definition of the GHOST Whale 👻🐳.

The GHOST Whale definition will be approved based on the majority vote.

The vote is open only to users currently situated in the GHOST Whales group 👻🐳.

The voting deadline is 11:59PM EST on Oct 3, 2024.

**If you disagree with the definition, and would like to add additional parameters defining a GHOST Whale, please include your feedback in the response to the vote.

YAY: 13 NAY: 4